2019 esp TLA Elite Rugby League Trading Cards
TLA/ESP have released information about their 2019 Elite Rugby League trading cards.
We are very excited about the 2019 release with some exciting new additions and designs to make it the best collection yet!
TLA have once again focused their efforts into improving the collection, which will in turn increase the value proposition and the collectability of the product for all collectors and fans.
In 2019 TLA have continued to take on board a lot of collector feedback in attempting to improve the core of the product, as well as introducing numerous new and exciting insert series’ and redemptions.
In 2019 TLA have modified the Golden Ticket chase, so that now 16 lucky collectors will have the chance to redeem a team Elite Master Set Golden Ticket, which can be redeemed for that team’s 2019 Elite Master Set 5/5. TLA is very excited to be able to include such an offer, and hope the collector market is also.
Hot foil stamping will feature heavily, as will 2019 player imagery (unless stated otherwise) and as usual, a large range of quality signature cards are on offer. 2019 also sees a new jersey patch card insert series, with double the amount of teams represented compared to previous years!
The 2018 NRL Elite Collection includes the following highlight subsets:
- League Sensations Signature Series – 16 to collect
- Young Guns Signature Series – 16 to collect
- Dally M Awards Series – 18 to collect
- Captains Cards – 18 to collect
- All Star Ball Patch Cards (redemption) – 1 design, limited in edition to 66.
- NRL Spotlight Jersey and Signature Cards – 8 designs
- Elite Master Set Golden Ticket – 16 to be found for redemption of individual team Elite Master Set 5/5
It is important to remember that ratios are not guaranteed to be precisely included in all boxes or cases.
The official launch date of the product is TBC, with the aim for a date in early August.
The box and case format remains the same; 24 packets of 9 cards per box, 10 boxes per case.
- 144 common cards
- 144 Silver Specials (different image to common card). 1 in 2 packs
- 32 Speed Machines. 1 in 4 packs
- 18 Dally M Awards, 1 in 8 packs
- 18 WNRL cards. 1 in 12 packs
- 16 NRL Spotlight. 1 in 12 packs
- 18 Captain cards. 1 in 24 packs
- 16 Young Gun Signatures White cards (limited edition numbered to 90)
- 16 Young Gun Signatures Black cards (limited edition numbered to 40)
- 16 League Sensations Signature White cards (limited edition numbered to 90)
- 16 League Sensations Signature Black cards (limited edition numbered to 40)
- 144 Ruby Mojo cards (limited edition numbered to 40). 1 per 24 packs
- 144 Sapphire Mojo cards (limited edition numbered to 20). 1 per 48 packs.
- 144 Emerald Mojo cards (limited edition numbered to 10)
- 144 Black Diamond Mojo cards (limited edition numbered to 5)
- 8 NRL Spotlight Jersey cards (limited edition numbered to 83)
- 8 NRL Spotlight Jersey Booklet Signature cards (limited edition numbered to 40)
- 1 All-Star Ball Patch card (limited edition numbered to 66 cards)
- 8 Head to Head. 1 per case.
- 16 Custodians. 1 per box.
- 16 Golden Ticket Team Master Set. 5/5!
- 8 Futera 1 of 1 cards.
Buy Yours HERE!
RRP- $7.99 per pack.
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